Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam

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Boso Mast




25 Jan 1965


From:   Commanding Officer

To:       First Sergeant Kinsman G. BOSO 567405/9999 U.S. Marine Corps


Subj:    Meritorious Mast


Ref:      (a) MARCORPERSMAN, par 8052


1.      It is with extreme pleasure that I take this opportunity to recognize your outstanding performance of duty and award you meritorious mast in accordance with reference (a).


2.      During the past year you have been assigned as NCOIC of the Amateur Radio Station located here at Headquarters Battalion.  In connection with the Amateur Radio Program, you also had the responsibility for the Navy Military Affiliated Radio System (MARS), emanating from the same station.  You performed both of these duties in a most capable manner and thereby bringing credit to yourelf and to the U.S. Marine Corps.


3.      During the recent Dominican crisis, you gave yourself unstintingly to help maintain communications with the Dominican Republic.  The task was performed in such a manner as to cause the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic and numerous other public officials to write and commend you for your work.  By your tireless efforts, the name “BOSO” is synonymous with the U.S. Marine Corps, has become known throughout South, Central Latin America.  By your willing and cooperative attitude, you have given our Corps untold dollars worth of desirable publicity and because of your presence, you have made the Corps a better organization.


4.      1stSgt BOSO, you are commended for the professional and competent manner in which you have performed your duties, having been in keeping with the highest standards of the Marine Corps.


5.      A copy of this letter has been forwarded to the Commanding Officer, Headquarters and Service Company to inform him that meritorious mast was held this date.  He is directed to comply with subparagraph 4 of reference (a),



Copy to:

  CO, H&SCo




Brigadier General, United States Army Retired

5403 Moorland Lane Edgemoor

Bethesda, Maryland 20014



16 April 1965



Master Sergeant K. G. Boso

Headquarters Bn., U. S. Marine Corps

Henderson Hall

Arlington, Virginia


Dear Sergeant Boso:


On last Tuesday morning, I contacted you by telephone to endeavor to get a message to and information from my son and his family. They lived in South Bend, Indiana, which was in the general area reportedly devastated by tornadoes two days previously.


Efforts by telephone, telegraph and radio on Monday, before I contacted you on Tuesday were all uniformly negative.


As a result of your interest and energetic action, in less than two hours, you had accomplished the mission and had furnished information to us that all was well and safe. A letter written by my daughter-in-law subsequent to receiving your message stated that the heavy tornado damage was about five miles from their home.


Both Mrs. Hayden and I wish to thank you for your interest and assistance and to wish you and yours the happiest of Easters.


Fredric L Hayden