Colonel Sanford B Hunt played a long history in Marine Corps Amateur Radio.
An avid ham since boyhood, he served first in the Navy Reserve as a
radioman (RM3) in the 1930’s, then transferred to the Marine Corps Reserve
in 1940. He received a field commission while serving with the 1st
Marine Division just prior to the invasion of Guadalcanal.
While a Captain serving as Communication Officer at Headquarters Marine Corps in 1948 he obtained
the first license for station W4NTR known as the "Granddaddy of USMC
Stations" and it remained under his name before being turned over
to Headquarters Battalion, HQMC.
As a
Major and
Commanding Officer of
Communication Company 3rd Marine Division in Gifu, Japan he was in charge
of station KA3MD. He also helped MSgt Fenton Martin operate the
station before being transferred to Korea in 1954.
Col. Hunt said "We
had a rhombic antenna on two acres of land on tall telephone poles, aimed
at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, CA north of San Diego. Every
time we came on the air we received loud complaints from MARS* Okinawa
because our signal blanked them out. They were in a direct line between
GIFU and Camp Pendleton. It was a normal daily routine - nice to
help people out and to talk to my wife now and then."
*Marine Amateur Radio Stations |