Archive 03 MARCH 2006
Cheney violate Texas hunting laws? James
Webb For Senate
Beirut Stamp
Edwards AFB Air Show
High Flight
Veteran Communicators
Coolest Dog
in the World
like Bush but this is Funny
Parking at
the Beach
40 YEARS AGO Tennessee
Marine Family
challenge coin
Don't rush the old folks
The bird dog
thinking Hue
Memorial Ceremony April 7-9
Monsters and
the Weak IRAQ
3 MARCH 2006
A. A. A. D. D.
Turning into a Soviet Type Dictatorship?
How Muslims Punish an 8yr old child
Did Vice President Dick Cheney violate Texas hunting laws??
Yet more shocking revelations
came to light today regarding last weekend's hunting 'accident' in Texas.
Officials at the Texas State Wildlife and Game Department revealed that
Vice President Dick Cheney violated established State hunting laws when he
shot Mr. Harry Whittington, a tax lawyer.
As Wildlife Ranger John Burton
explained - "We got nothin' against huntin' lawyers around here, hell,
I've bagged a few myself. And Mr. Huntington's age made him a prime candidate for herd-thinning:
he's 78 and way past his prime. But Whittington is a TAX lawyer, and you
ain't allowed to take tax lawyers until May 1st."
In 1987, in an agreement reached
with the Texas Bar Association, the Wildlife & Game Dept. established a
series of laws regulating the hunting of lawyers. "You have to
understand," said the Chairman of the TBA, "if we don't thin 'em out then
they overpopulate their ego-system.
"Next thing you know, there
aren't enough cases to go around. Young lawyers starve, or clog up the
court-houses and television trying to drum up clients. It just messes
things up. But we also didn't want indiscriminant slaughter, so we got
together with the Wildlife boys and set up a few rules."
These rules include the
Only lawyers above the age of 64 and personal-injury
attorneys of any age (males) may be taken, with a limit of two per
hunter per year. Muzzle-loader hunters are allowed three, bow-hunters
are restricted to four.
Only female lawyers above child-bearing age may be shot,
even personal-injury attorneys.
Tax lawyer hunting season is the only time restriction,
with the season running from May 1st to December 12th.
"Of course, the usual standard
hunting rules apply: no setting up lawyer-stands within a 10-mile radius
of a courthouse, no money-licks, and no shooting 'em when they're seated,"
said Ranger Burton. "We Texans are hunters, pure and simple, there's
nothing like bagging a 67 year-old corporate merger attorney at 200 yards
with a compound bow. But you have to have standards, and you have to play
by the rules and give 'em a fighting chance."
The Vice President will more than
likely receive a fine of $10,000, and may even be required to perform a
few hours of community service. "I know that seems sorta harsh for just
nailing a really old one with some bird-shot, but me and a few others
suspect that this was what we call a 'canned hunt' the Vice President
invited the lawyer along on. It ain't illegal per se, but a canned hunt is
just plain wrong, and an insult to all of us who hunt lawyer the proper
When asked for comment, White
House Spokesman Scott McClelland confirmed that "Vice President Cheney did
indeed pull the trigger which activated the primer which detonated, which
caused a rapid formation of gas which pushed the shell which sent the
pellets flying in the general direction of the lawyer. But he didn't know
about that tax-lawyer loophole stuff."
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To my
Marine and other military veteran brothers and sisters:
Former Secretary of the Navy
James Webb (author of "Fields of Fire" and other books), and who served in
Vietnam as a Marine officer, and was awarded he Navy Cross, is running for
Congress in Virginia. He is a registered Democrat,
but is running on a pro-military, pro-veteran ticket against a Republican
incumbent who has never worn a uniform. The opposition is preparing
to attack Jim on issues that attack his military service and previous
government service. See the below emails for more info. I'm a life long Republican, but I am getting very irritated with the
crew in D.C. now that can't seem to get their sticks in the same bundle.
No one is stopping the border invasion, and we are not supporting our
veterans, our veteran and military retiree health issues, and our military
retirees pensions. Instead, the current administration is taking money out
of veterans and disabled vets programs to fund other things, like building
border outposts in Afghanistan and buying new billion dollar military
hardware we don't need. We need to support Jim Webb in his campaign, even
if we don't live in Virginia. Carl Rove and his strategists will try to
use former Marines and other vets to attack Jim. Let's make sure we
counter their attacks.
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symposium has been scheduled
Contributed by
The Underlying Roots of
Terrorism's Threat to World Peace
and National Security
April 29th, 2006
The Greater Washington DC Area
"As you
know, the onus of responsibility for understanding the evil that
faces our country in the form of radical Islamist terrorism rests
with the American people. We
cannot rely on the mainstream media to inform the country on this
matter without bias. The dissemination of accurate and truthful
information regarding this looming danger has become the civic
responsibility of We the People."
seating is extremely limited. Please visit our site to register for
these events:
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USMC Press Release
Point of Contact:
1stLt Nathan J. Braden
Public Affairs Officer
[email protected]
March 4, 2006
Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Army Division spearheaded their
second independent security operation here today.
Iraqi soldiers searched
and cleared three Fallujah neighborhoods with a history of insurgent
activity in order to empty the area of insurgents, look for weapons
caches, and continue to build and improve their relationships with the
Operation Eagle 2
resulted in the discovery of one improvised explosive device and enhanced
relations between the residents of Fallujah and the Iraqi soldiers.
The operation was a
success because it gave the soldiers more tactical experience, which
increases their capabilities and boosts their confidence, said Iraqi
Command Sgt. Maj. Abdulrazzaq Abdullah.
The senior enlisted
soldier in 2nd Brigade added that the unit wants to do more of these
operations in the future, because they show the people the soldiers are
there for their protection.
The brigade was assisted
in the operation by the Fallujah Police Department. Officers from the
city supported the search by providing additional security in the three
neighborhoods as the soldiers patrolled the streets and met with
The operation was also
supported by Marines from 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, Regimental
Combat Team 5, who manned an outer security cordon while Iraqi security
forces conducted the search.
Marine military advisors
to the brigade accompanied the brigade staff during the operation.
“Today’s security
operation did a good job disrupting the enemy, but another benefit was
that the brigade staff’s ability to command and control was greatly
improved from the brigade’s first operation a few weeks ago,” said Maj.
Brian D. Wirtz, operations advisor to 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Army
The brigade made a
positive step toward independent operations today, added Wirtz, 32, from
Carlsbad, Calif. They also identified key areas they will work to improve
for their next operation, he said.
The 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Army Division is partnered with Regimental
Combat Team 5, under the I Marine Expeditionary Force (Fwd) in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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This link
contains a petition requesting the USPS issuance of a stamp honoring the
servicemen who died in the Beirut, Lebanon bombing in 1983. See the black
bar at top where is says -- sign the petition.
signatures are needed for presentation. Please support this effort by
signing the petition.
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Great Pictures of
Edwards AFB Air Show
Contributed by Wayne Justis
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Flight by Barry Schiff
contributed by Barry Weathersby
Maj. Dean Neeley is
in the forward, lower cockpit of the Lockheed U-2ST, a two-place version
of the U-2S, a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that the Air Force
calls "Dragon Lady.." His voice on the intercom
breaks the silence. "Do you know that you're the highest person in the
world?" He explains that I am in the higher of the two cockpits and that
there are no other U-2s airborne right now. "Astronauts don't count," he
says, "They're out of this world."
We are above 70,000
feet and still climbing slowly as the aircraft becomes lighter. The
throttle has been at its mechanical limit since takeoff, and the single
General Electric F118-GE-101 turbofan engine sips
fuel so slowly at this altitude that consumption is less than when idling
on the ground. Although true airspeed is that of a typical jetliner,
indicated airspeed registers only in double digits. I cannot detect the
curvature of the Earth, although some U-2 pilots claim that they can. The
sky at the horizon is hazy white but transitions to midnight blue at our
zenith. It seems that if we were much higher, the sky would become black
enough to see stars at noon.. The Sierra Nevada, the mountainous spine of
California, has lost its glory, a mere corrugation on the Earth. Lake
Tahoe looks like a fishing hole, and rivers have become rivulets. Far
below, "high flying" jetliners etch contrails over Reno, Nevada, but we
are so high above these aircraft that they cannot be seen.
I feel mild concern
about the bailout light on the instrument panel and pray that Neeley does
not have reason to turn it on. At this altitude I also feel a sense of
insignificance and isolation; earthly concerns seem trivial. This flight
is an epiphany, a life-altering experience. I cannot detect air noise
through the helmet of my pressure suit. I hear only my own breathing, the
hum of avionics through my headset and, inexplicably, an occasional,
shallow moan from the engine, as if it were gasping for air. Atmospheric
pressure is only an inch of mercury, less than 4 percent of sea-level
pressure. Air density and engine power are similarly low. The
stratospheric wind is predictably light, from the southwest at 5 kt, and
the outside air temperature is minus 61 degrees Celsius. Neeley says that
he has never experienced weather that could not be topped in a U-2, and I
am reminded of the classic transmission made by John Glenn during Earth
orbit in a Mercury space capsule: "Another thousand feet, and we'll be on
Although not
required, we remain in contact with Oakland Center while in the Class E
airspace that begins at Flight Level 600. The U-2's Mode C transponder,
however, can indicate no higher than FL600. When other U-2s are in the
area, pilots report their altitudes, and ATC keeps them separated by 5,000
feet and 10 miles. Our high-flying living quarters are pressurized to
29,500 feet, but 100-percent oxygen supplied only to our faces lowers our
physiological altitude to about 8,000 feet. A pressurization-system
failure would cause our suits to instantly inflate to maintain a pressure
altitude of 35,000 feet, and the flow of pure oxygen would provide a
physiological altitude of 10,000 feet.
The forward and aft
cockpits are configured almost identically. A significant difference is
the down-looking periscope/driftmeter in the center of the forward
instrument panel. It is used to precisely track over specific ground
points during reconnaissance, something that otherwise would be impossible
from high altitude. The forward cockpit also is equipped with a small
side-view mirror extending into the air stream. It is used to determine if
the U-2 is generating a telltale contrail when over hostile territory.
Considering its 103- foot wingspan and resultant roll dampening, the U-2
maneuvers surprisingly well at altitude; the controls are light and nicely
harmonized. Control wheels (not sticks) are used, however, perhaps because
aileron forces are heavy at low altitude. A yaw string (like those used on
sailplanes above each canopy silently admonishes those who allow the
aircraft to slip or skid when maneuvering. The U-2 is very much a
stick-and-rudder airplane, and I discover that slipping can be avoided by
leading turn entry and recovery with slight rudder pressure.
When approaching
its service ceiling, the U-2's maximum speed is little more than its
minimum. This marginal difference between the onset of stall buffet and
Mach buffet is known as coffin corner, an area warranting caution. A
stall/spin sequence can cause control loss from which recovery might not
be possible when so high, and an excessive Mach number can compromise
structural integrity. Thankfully, an autopilot with Mach hold is provided.
The U-2 has a fuel capacity of 2,915 gallons of thermally stable jet fuel
distributed among four wing tanks. It is unusual to discuss turbine fuel
in gallons instead of pounds, but the 1950s-style fuel gauges in the U-2
indicate in gallons. Most of the other flight instruments seem equally
I train at 'The
Ranch' Preparation for my high flight began the day before at Beale Air
Force Base (a. k. a. The Ranch), which is north of Sacramento, California,
and was where German prisoners of war were interned during World War II.
It is home to the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, which is responsible for
worldwide U-2 operations, including those aircraft based in Cyprus; Italy;
Saudi Arabia; and South Korea. After passing a physical exam, I took
a short, intensive course in high-altitude physiology and use of the
pressure suit. The 27-pound Model S1034 "pilot's protective assembly" is
manufactured by David Clark (the headset people) and is the same as the
one used by astronauts during shuttle launch and reentry. After being
measured for my $150,000 spacesuit, I spent an hour in the egress trainer.
It provided no comfort to learn that pulling up mightily on the handle
between my legs would activate the ejection seat at any altitude or
airspeed. When the handle is pulled, the control wheels go fully forward,
explosives dispose of the canopy, cables attached to spurs on your boots
pull your feet aft, and you are rocketed into space. You could then free
fall in your inflated pressure suit for 54,000 feet or more. I was told
that "the parachute opens automatically at 16,500 feet, or you get a
I later donned a
harness and virtual-reality goggles to practice steering a parachute to
landing. After lunch, a crew assisted me into a pressure suit in
preparation for my visit to the altitude chamber. There I became
reacquainted with the effects of hypoxia and was subjected to a sudden
decompression that elevated the chamber to 73,000 feet. The pressure suit
inflated as advertised and just as suddenly I became the Michelin man. I
was told that it is possible to fly the U-2 while puffed up but that it is
A beaker of water
in the chamber boiled furiously to demonstrate what would happen to my
blood if I were exposed without protection to ambient pressure above
63,000 feet. After a thorough preflight briefing the next morning, Neeley
and I put on long johns and UCDs (urinary collection devices), were
assisted into our pressure suits, performed a leak check (both kinds), and
settled into a pair of reclining lounge chairs for an hour of breathing
pure oxygen. This displaces nitrogen in the blood to prevent decompression
sickness (the bends) that could occur during ascent. During this
"pre-breathing," I felt as though I were in a Ziploc bag- style cocoon and
anticipated the possibility of claustrophobia. There was none, and I soon
became comfortably acclimatized to my confinement.
We were in the
aircraft an hour later. Preflight checks completed and engine started, we
taxied to Beale's 12,000-foot-long runway. The single main landing gear is
not steerable, differential braking is unavailable, and the dual
tailwheels move only 6 degrees in each direction, so it takes a lot of
concrete to maneuver on the ground. Turn radius is 189 feet, and I had to
lead with full rudder in anticipation of all turns. We taxied into
position and came to a halt so that personnel could remove the safety pins
from the outrigger wheels (called pogos) that prevent one wing tip or the
other from scraping the ground. Lt. Col. Greg "Spanky" Barber, another U-2
pilot, circled the aircraft in a mobile command vehicle to give the
aircraft a final exterior check.
I knew that the U-2
is overpowered at sea level. It has to be for its engine, normally
aspirated like every other turbine engine, to have enough power remaining
to climb above 70,000 feet. Also, we weighed only 24,000 pounds (maximum
allowable is 41,000 pounds) and were departing into a brisk headwind. Such
knowledge did not prepare me for what followed. The throttle was fully
advanced and would remain that way until the beginning of descent. The
17,000 pounds of thrust made it feel as though I had been shot from a
cannon. Within two to three seconds and 400 feet of takeoff roll, the
wings flexed, the pogos fell away, and we entered a nose-up attitude of
almost 45 degrees at a best-angle-of- climb airspeed of 100 kt. Initial
climb rate was 9,000 fpm. We were still over the runway and through 10,000
feet less than 90 seconds from brake release. One need not worry about a
flameout after takeoff in a U-2. There either is enough runway to land
straight ahead or enough altitude (only 1,000 feet is needed) to circle
the airport for a dead-stick approach and landing.
The bicycle landing
gear creates little drag and has no limiting airspeed, so there was no
rush to tuck away the wheels. (The landing gear is not retracted at all
when in the traffic pattern shooting touch and goes.) We passed through
30,000 feet five minutes after liftoff and climb rate steadily decreased
until above 70,000 feet, when further climb occurred only as the result of
fuel burn. On final approach Dragon Lady is still drifting toward the
upper limits of the atmosphere at 100 to 200 fpm and will continue to do
so until it is time to descend. It spends little of its life at a given
altitude. Descent begins by retarding the throttle to idle and lowering
the landing gear. We raise the spoilers, deploy the speed brakes (one on
each side of the aft fuselage), and engage the gust alleviation system.
This raises both ailerons 7.5 degrees above their normal neutral point and
deflects the wing flaps 6.5 degrees upward. This helps to unload the wings
and protect the airframe during possible turbulence in the lower
atmosphere. Gust protection is needed because the Dragon Lady is like a
China doll; she cannot withstand heavy gust and maneuvering loads.
Strength would have required a heavier structure, and the U-2's designer,
Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, shaved as much weight as possible-which is why
there are only two landing gear legs instead of three.. Every pound saved
resulted in a 10-foot increase in ceiling.
With everything
possible hanging and extended, the U-2 shows little desire to go down. It
will take 40 minutes to descend to traffic pattern altitude but we needed
only half that time climbing to altitude. During this normal
descent, the U-2 covers 37 nm for each 10,000 of altitude lost. When clean
and at the best glide speed of 109 kt, it has a glide ratio of 28:1. It is
difficult to imagine ever being beyond glide range of a suitable airport
except when over large bodies of water or hostile territory. Because there
is only one fuel quantity gauge, and it shows only the total remaining, it
is difficult to know whether fuel is distributed evenly, which is
important when landing a U-2. A low-altitude stall is performed to
determine which is the heavier wing, and some fuel is then transferred
from it to the other.
We are on final
approach with flaps at 35 degrees (maximum is 50 degrees) in a slightly
nose-down attitude. The U-2 is flown with a heavy hand when slow, while
being careful not to overcontrol. Speed over the threshold is only 1.1 VSO
(75 kt), very close to stall. More speed would result in excessive
floating. I peripherally see Barber accelerating the 140-mph, stock
Chevrolet Camaro along the runway as he joins in tight formation with our
landing aircraft. I hear him on the radio calling out our height (standard
practice for all U-2 landings). The U-2 must be close to normal touchdown
attitude at a height of one foot before the control wheel is brought
firmly aft to stall the wings and plant the tail wheel on the concrete.
The feet remain active on the pedals, during which time it is necessary to
work diligently to keep the wings level. A roll spoiler on each wing lends
a helping hand when its respective aileron is raised more than 13 degrees.
The aircraft comes
to rest, a wing tip falls to the ground, and crewmen appear to reattach
the pogos for taxiing. Landing a U-2 is notoriously challenging,
especially for those who have never flown tail draggers or sail planes. It
can be like dancing with a lady or wrestling a dragon, depending on wind
and runway conditions. Maximum allowable crosswind is 15 kt. The U-2 was
first flown by Tony LeVier in August 1955, at Groom Lake (Area 51),
Nevada. The aircraft was then known as Article 341, an attempt by the
Central Intelligence Agency to disguise the secret nature of its project.
Current U-2s are 40 percent larger and much more powerful than the one in
which Francis Gary Powers was downed by a missile over the Soviet Union on
May 1, 1960.
The Soviets
referred to the U-2 as the "Black Lady of Espionage" because of its spy
missions and mystique. The age of its design, however, belies the
sophistication of the sensing technology carried within. During U. S.
involvement in Kosovo, for example, U-2s gathered and forwarded data via
satellite to Intelligence at Beale AFB for instant analysis. The results
were sent via satellite to battle commanders, who decided whether attack
aircraft should be sent to the target. In one case, U-2 sensors detected
enemy aircraft parked on a dirt road and camouflaged by thick, overhanging
trees. Only a few minutes elapsed between detection and destruction. No
other nation has this capability.
The U-2 long ago
outlived predictions of its demise. It also survived its heir apparent,
the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. The fleet of 37 aircraft is budgeted to
operate for another 20 years, but this could be affected by the evolution
and effectiveness of unmanned aircraft. After returning to Earth
(physically and emotionally), I am escorted to the Heritage Room where 20
U-2 pilots join to share in the spirited celebration of my high flight.
Many of them are involved in general aviation and some have their own
aircraft. The walls of this watering hole are replete with fascinating
memorabilia about U-2 operations and history. Several plaques proudly list
all who have ever soloed Dragon Lady. This group of 670 forms an elite and
unusually close-knit cadre of dedicated airmen.
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Join Veteran
Communicators Dan,
could you possibly pass along to all your communicator friends that they
are most welcome to join our Veteran Communicators Reunion site at
We'd love to hear
stories there too. We encourage communicators from all branches of the
service to join our site at no cost.
John Hughes
Attend VCR 2006
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Coolest Dog
in the World
Contributed by Wayne Justis
Click here to Listen and
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like Bush but this is Funny!
Contributed by Wayne Justis
Click here to Listen and Watch
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Parking at
the Beach
Contributed by Rush Williams
A Silent Film - In a
hurry for a swim?
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Contributed by Rush Williams
March 1, 1966 the 26th Marines are
activated at Camp Pendleton, initiating the formation of the 5th Marine
Division, while the 1st 155mm Gun Battery and the 3rd 8" Howitzer Battery
arrive in RVN. On March 2nd VFMA-545 relived VMFA-232 at Danang just
before Operation UTAH was conducted in Quang Ngai Province from the 4th
through the 7th. The 1st Hospital Company, HMM-164 and elements of the 7th
Motor Transport Battalion arrived in RVN on March 7th.
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara
requested and received authorization for 278,184 active duty Marines,
making the Marine Corps the only service to have troop strength larger
than its peak during the Korean War. LtGen. Nguyen Chanh Thi was removed
as ARVN Commander, I Corps by Prime Minister Ky, leading to protests and
strikes in the Hue-Danang area which slowly spread to Saigon.
March 13th saw the Naval Mobile
Construction Battalion 1 arrive in RVN
with the Force Logistic Command (FLC) established in Danang on March 15th
made up of the 1st and 3rd Battalions, 4th Marines. On March 20th,
Operation TEXAS commenced south of Chu Lai by Task Force DELTA, while the
1st Medical Battalion and a detachment of the 1st Shore Party Battalion
arrived in RVN.
March 23rd saw detachments of the 1st
Reconnaissance Battalion; HG Battalion, 1st Marine Div.; 3rd Force Service
Regiment; 1st Service Battalion; 1st Engineer Battalion; 1st Tank
Battalion; and, 1st Dental Company arrive in RVN, as the 9th Marines
initiated and continued to employ a system of cordoning off and searching
Hamlets permitting a census to be taken in what was named Operation COUNTY
March 26th saw the first operation by
American troops in the Saigon River Delta area, when the amphibious
Operation JACK STAY was initiated in the Rung Sat Special Zone 27 miles SE
of Saigon by the Battalion Landing Team, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines.
As March came to an end, the 11th
Dental Company; HQ, 1st Tank Battalion; and detachments of the 3rd
Amphibian Tractor Battalion and 1st Anti-Tank Battalion arrived in RVN on
the 28th.
The Marine KIA count for March 1966
totaled 261, bringing the total Marine Corps KIA list since January 1962
to 954, and made March 1966 the costliest month in the war to date, as
well as the costliest month in 1966. Before the end of December 1966,
1,428 more Marines will give their lives in RVN. The Command Chronologies
of units deployed in Vietnam give detailed accounts of all operations and
events in March 1966.
The information in this report was
obtained from the archives at:
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Marine Family
Contributed by
Wayne V. Morris Col USMC
I hope this finds you doing well. I am a recipient of All Hands and
enjoy so much receiving all of the information. Our organization,
Tennessee Marine Family, just launched our new website. I am sending
below some information on Tennessee Family and was wondering if this is
something that could be sent to the All Hands members. Our new website is
www.tnmarinefamily.com. Thank
you for your service and many blessings to you and yours.
Donna Clemons
Founder & President
Tennessee Marine Family
My name is Donna Clemons and I live in Nashville, TN. My son is a
United States Marine who returned from his second deployment to Iraq in
late 2004. He is stationed out of Camp Pendleton. My Marine is currently
on his third deployment to Iraq.
When Zach was in Iraq in 2003, I did not know anyone that was going
through the roller coaster of emotions that I was going through. I had
never heard of the Yahoo Groups and was so alone.
Family members just did not understand.
When my son went back to Iraq in 2004, I became a member of another
Yahoo Group that is nationwide. It is a wonderful group, yet we were so
far apart from each other. There was a post from a Tennessee Marine Mom
who was holding a luncheon! I went to that luncheon and came away with a
feeling I've never had before, somewhat like what our Marines must hold
dear to them. We all shared a common bond and understood the very
emotions that we live every day.
I wanted to expand on this first luncheon and have a place where we
moms could not only meet every month for lunch, but where we could have
constant contact with "all" Tennessee Marine family members. I had a
vision one night and thought, wouldn't it be nice to have a group of
Marine family members who could communicate with each other and support
each other using their computer and in person? Hence, I founded Tennessee
Marine Family!!
This is a summary of who we are and what we're about:
The Tennessee Marine Families online support group is intended for all
family members and loved ones of Marines from Tennessee. However, we do
have members who have loved ones in other branches of our military and
from other states. We love and support them just as we do our Marines.
Many of us have shared the trials and tribulations of our Marines'
deployments to many countries around the world. The website's
purpose is to share information and support to each other as our Marines
and military personnel continue their service.
We meet the third Saturday of ever month at 12:00 (noon) for food, fun
and fellowship!! We have our luncheons in Nashville and meet at a variety
of locations. We have had anywhere from 30 to 125 people in attendance.
One month we served Bar-B-Q, grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken, we
have held our luncheons at restaurants, we had a pack-your-own-lunch, and
bring your favorite dish. We have met at the VFW Post and several area
churches have been kind enough to allow the group to use their facilities.
We have members from all over the United States and Canada, not just
Tennessee. The members who live close enough to attend our luncheons come
from Knoxville, Memphis, Mississippi, Chattanooga, Cleveland, Paducah,
Kentucky and many other towns in between. We have been talking about
having our luncheon in other parts of the state, but Nashville has seemed
to be the best focal point for us thus far. We certainly appreciate all of
the support we've had with people finding places for us to meet and are
always looking for additional places to have our luncheons.
We conducted our first TMF package drive for our Marines who are
deployed overseas in June of 2004 and mailed 104 packages weighing more
than 1,000 pounds. Our Marines were very appreciative of that. We
conducted our second TMF package drive on October 16, 2004. We packed
over 300 boxes to our deployed Marines and servicemen and women, weighing
over 3,000 pounds at a cost of over $6,000.00! The outpouring of
the community has been tremendous and this has been a huge success. Very
special thanks to our very own Tim Chavez, Marc Torrence and Crossroads
Church in Franklin, TN. We all appreciate their love, support and prayers
for our Marines! Our third package drive took place on Saturday, January
15, 2005 at Crossroads Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee. Our
fourth package drive was May 21st at Crossroads Community Church in
Franklin. We packed and shipped 300 boxes to our troops who are currently
deployed!! We again packed and shipped over 300 boxes in November of 2005
and what a joy it was for our troops! The boxes were filled with goodies
and Christmas stockings!! We are gearing up for our next package drive to
be held in early summer.
On December 2, 2004, due to the growth of TMF we became a a non-profit
organization. TMF elected a Board of Directors on December 18, 2004. We
have written our By-Laws and Mission Statement to serve our Marines and
their families.
Tennessee has lost 17 very precious Fallen Heroes in Iraq and
Afghanistan, 1 Marine in Camp Pendleton during a training accident, 1
Marine from Kentucky whose mother is a member of TMF, and 1 Marine who
served in Vietnam whose remains were returned in 2005. TMF is so honored
to have in its membership 15 of those families. These families are very
special to TMF and we continue to love, honor and support them in any way
We had our first Annual Gold Star Family Banquet on September 17, 2005
for the families of our Fallen Heroes. Families came together from all
across the country to join us for this wonderful event honoring our
Marines who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Our banquet was at
Crossroads Church in Franklin, Tennessee. This was a catered event and
everyone came together to support our Gold Star Families. A special
presentation was shown to honor our Fallen Heroes. I had the honor and
privilege of traveling all across the State of Tennessee and Kentucky to
meet with each family and to learn about their Marines. What incredible
young men they are!!
Of course, this group could not function without the help of all of its
members. They are fabulous and are such an asset to TMF!! This is truly
an amazing and wonderful group of people and we all LOVE our Marines,
Sailors, Airmen, Soldiers and Coast Guardsmen!! Thank you for your
interest in TMF and for your support of our troops. Please let me know if
I can help you in any way!! My prayers will be with you, your family and
your precious Marine, Sailor, Airman, Soldier and Coast Guardsman!!
Please pass the word around to all of your friends and family about TMF!
We want to make sure that we reach as many troops and their families as
Donna Clemons, President
Tennessee Marine Family
[email protected]
Donna Clemons
VPMM of Cpl. Zach - OIF I & OIF
II, Currently Deployed OIF III
I pledge
allegiance to the Flag and my Heart to my Marine who protects it.
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challenge coin needed
Contributed by
of my dearly departed Dad’s (OCS ’55) best friends (Parris Island ’61) has
a friend who served as a sniper in 3/7 back in Korea. He’s looking for a
challenge coin for 3/7. Do you or any of your subscribers know where I
could find a challenge coin for 3/7?
Thanks and Semper Fi,
Mark K. Moore
IC Group
1250 Western Blvd.
Bldg. L2, Suite 241
Jacksonville, NC
[email protected]
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Don't rush
the old folks
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A little road rage! Click here
Short and sweet!
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The bird dog
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Sound and video On? Click here
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Memorial Ceremony April 7-9
Contributed by
Col. Robert Thompson, commander of
1/5 in the Citadel during the Battle of Hue City, recently notified me of
the Hue Memorial Ceremony sponsored by the USS Hue City that will be held
April 7-9, 2006 at the Mayport Naval Base. I was asked to try and help
muster our 1/5 Hue City veterans to attend this year's ceremony.
All 1/5 Hue City vets who want to
attend, contact Chaplain Jon Rozema, USS Hue City (CG 66) and mention that
you are a 1/5 Hue City vet and ask him to send you an invitation to the
memorial service. You will need the invitation to get onto the Mayport
Naval Base. You can contact the chaplain at 904-270-6500 or e-mail him at
[email protected].
The chaplain will send you an invitation and a schedule of events for
April 7-9. The USS Hue City may be at sea when you call so you may need
to try calling several times before the phone is answered.
The Mayport Naval
Base is next to Jacksonville, Florida, directly north of Jacksonville
Beach. The USS Hue City has arranged for a group discount at the Comfort
Inn on route A1A on Jacksonville Beach, just down the road from the main
gate of Mayport Naval Base. To book a room at the Comfort Inn, call
800-968-5513 and tell them you would like the discount rate for the Hue
Memorial for Apr 7-9. The rate is $59 (which is really cheap!). Hue City
veterans from 1/5, 2/5 and 1/1 and supporting units will be attending the
Hue Memorial.
If you have any problems or
questions, you can call me at 215-491-9079.
As a reminder, 1/5 is holding its 9th
annual reunion at the Denver Marriott City Center in Denver, Colorado on
August 23-27, 2006. For more information, check our website at
or call me.
Gerry Regan, Charlie 1/5, 1967-68
President, 1/5 Vietnam Veterans
Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association
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Monsters and
the Weak
Contributed by
The sun beat like a hammer, not
a cloud was in the sky.
The mid-day air ran thick with
dust, my throat was parched and dry.
With microphone clutched tight
in hand and cameraman in tow,
I ducked beneath a fallen roof,
surprised to hear "stay low."
My eyes blinked several times
before in shadow I could see,
the figure stretched across the
rubble, steps away from me.
He wore a cloak of burlap
strips, all shades of grey and brown,
that hung in tatters till he
seemed to melt into the ground.
He never turned his head or
took his eye from off the scope,
but pointed through the broken
wall and down the rocky slope.
About eight hundred yards," he
said, his whispered words concise,
beneath the baggy jacket he is
wearing a device."
A chill ran up my spine despite
the swelter of the heat,
"You think he's gonna set it
off along the crowded street?"
The sniper gave a weary sigh
and said "I wouldn't doubt it,"
"unless there's something this
old gun and I can do about it.
A thunderclap, a tongue of
flame, the still abruptly shattered;
while citizens that walked the
street were just as quickly scattered.
Till only one remained, a body
crumpled on the ground,
The threat to oh so many ended
by a single round.
And yet the sniper had no
cheer, no hint of any gloat,
instead he pulled a logbook out
and quietly he wrote.
"Hey, I could put you on TV,
that shot was quite a story!"
But he surprised me once again
-- "I got no wish for glory."
Are you for real?" I asked in
awe, "You don't want fame or credit?"
He looked at me with saddened
eyes and said "you just don't get it."
You see that shot-up length of
wall, the one without a door?
before a mortar hit, it used to
be a grocery store."
"But don't go thinking that to
bomb a store is all that cruel,
the rubble just across the
street -- it used to be a school.
The little kids played soccer
in the field out by the road,"
His head hung low, "They never
thought a car would just explode."
"As bad as all this is though,
it could be a whole lot worse,"
He swallowed hard, the words
came from his mouth just like a curse.
"Today the fight's on foreign
land, on streets that aren't my own,"
"I'm here today 'cause if I
fail, the next fight's back at home."
And I won't let my Safeway
burn, my neighbors dead inside,
don't wanna get a call from
school that says my daughter died;
I pray that not a one of them
will know the things I see,
nor have the work of terrorists
etched in their memory."
"So you can keep your trophies
and your fleeting bit of fame,
I don't care if I make the
news, or if they speak my name."
He glanced toward the camera
and his brow began to knot,
"If you're looking for a story,
why not give this one a shot."
"Just tell the truth of what
you see, without the slant or spin;
that most of us are OK and
we're coming home again.
And why not tell our folks back
home about the good we've done,
how when they see Americans,
the kids come at a run."
You tell 'em what it means to
folks here just to speak their mind,
without the fear that tyranny
is just a step behind;
Describe the desert miles they
walk in their first chance to vote,
or ask a soldier if he's proud,
I'm sure you'll get a quote."
He turned and slid the rifle in
a drag bag thickly padded,
then looked again with eyes of
steel as quietly he added;
"And maybe just remind the few,
if ill of us they speak,
that we are all that stands
between the monsters and the weak."
Michael Marks
January 25, 2006
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Contributed by
One of the enduring news stories is this
whole question of Iraq.
All we ever seem to hear is about people
blowing one another up, what a mess it is and how the so-called Iraq
mission is a failure and civil war is imminent.
There may be elements of truth in all of
But the other side of the story seems never
to be presented.
I read a piece recently by Karl Zinsmeister,
the Editor-in-Chief of the American Enterprise who has just completed his
fourth extended tour of Iraq.
During November and December, he joined
numerous American combat operations, walked miles of streets and roads,
entered scores of homes and listened to hundreds of Iraqis.
And he says, "Judged fairly, Iraq has been
much less costly and debacle-ridden than the Civil War, World War II,
Korea and the Cold War, each considered in retrospect to have been noble
He quoted the US General in charge of
America's National Guard, putting Iraq casualties into perspective when he
said, "I lose, unfortunately, more people through private automobile
accidents and motorcycle accidents over the same period."
And, in
relation to the argument that Americans are not wanting to serve in Iraq,
he said, "All Active Duty branches are exceeding their recruitment
requirements....the Army and Marine Corps, who are doing most of the hard
service in Iraq, are each at 105% of their quotas."
As to whether or not head way is being made,
he says despite the best efforts of terrorists to damage economic
structure, the World Bank and the IMF estimate that Iraqi national income
per capita is up more than 30% from the year before the war, admittedly
only a little over a thousand dollars.
But it was only $800 in 2002.
One survey of British researchers found
average household income rose 60% from February 2004 to November 2005.
The number of registered cars has doubled,
traffic is five times heavier than it was before the war.
Cell phone ownership has jumped from 6% in
early 2004 to over 65% today.
Purchases of all consumer goods, air
conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, farm machinery, are
86% of Iraqi households now have satellite
There are 44 commercial TV stations, 72
commercial radio stations.
More than 100 newspapers.
61% of Iraqis surveyed say security where
they live is now good rather than bad.
70% in a recent survey said, "My family's
economic situation is good."
8 million Iraqis voted for an interim
government in January 2005.
Almost 10 million voted for the
And then, in a nation with only 14 million
adults, 11 million voted in December last year for the first permanent
Karl Zinsmeister, the Editor-in-Chief of the
American Enterprise, then asked, "Why do I never hear any of this in most
To which his answer is, "A good question".
He said, "More than perhaps any other news
event in a generation, coverage of the Iraq war, has been unbalanced and
He said, "When Iraq's unprecedented new
constitution was ratified by 79% of voters, the Washington Post buried the
story on page 13 with a headline, "Sunnis failed to defeat Iraqi
constitution. Arab minority came close." And the four top headlines on
the front of the Washington Post that day were "Military has lost 2,000 in
Iraq...the toll, 2,000. And Bush aides brace for charges."
Zinsmeister ends by saying, "Iraq is now
creeping away from murderous authoritarianism to face the more normal
messes of a creaky third world nation: corruption, poverty, health
problems and miserable public services."
"But", as he writes, "that is vastly
preferable to what came before.
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A. A.
A. D. D.
Contributed by Bob Runyon
Recently, I was diagnosed with A. A. A. D. D. -
Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how it manifests:
I decide to water my garden.
As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I
look over at my car and decide my car needs washing.
As I start toward the garage, I notice that
there is mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mailbox
I decide to go through the mail before I
wash the car.
I lay my car keys down on the table, put
the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can
is full.
So, I decide to put the
bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.
But then I think, since I'm going to be
near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the
bills first.
I take my checkbook off the table, and see
that there is only 1 check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the
study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke
that I had been drinking.
I'm going to look for my checks, but first
I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.
I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the
refrigerator to keep it cold.
As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke,
a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye-they need to be watered.
I set the Coke down on the counter, and I
discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk,
but first I'm going to water the flowers.
I set the glasses back down on the counter,
fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone
left it on the kitchen table.
I realize that tonight when we go to watch
TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on
the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs,
but first I'll water the flowers.
I pour some water in the flowers, but quite
a bit of it spills on the floor.
So, I set the remote back down on the
table, get some towels and wipe up the spill.
Then, I head down the hall trying to
remember what I was planning to do.
At the end of the day:
* the car isn't washed
* the bills aren't paid
* there is a warm can of Coke sitting on
the counter
* the flowers don't have enough water,
* there is still only 1 check in my check
* I can't find the remote,
* I can't find my glasses,
* and I don't remember what I did with the
car keys.
Then, when I try to figure out why nothing
got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long,
and I'm really tired. I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to
get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail!
Do me a favor, will you? Forward this
message to everyone you know, because I don't remember to whom it has been
Don't laugh-if this isn't you yet, your day
is coming!!
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Contributed by
Very Very long but a MUST READ.
Click here: »
Blog Archive » Steven Emerson’s World
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Turning into a Soviet Type Dictatorship?
Contributed by
Interesting Read Click Here
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How Muslims
Punish an 8yr old child
Contributed by
One needs to understand true brutality
and why we must oppose these regimes who have so bastardized a religion.
This presentation is heart wrenching and makes me truly angry. Throughout
my military career, I had to put personal feelings aside and accomplish
the mission. No room for anger and missteps. Well, this makes me angry.
This email is not a story - it contains pictures of the worst that Islamic
law has to offer. An eight year old child being punished for stealing
bread. God does not forgive these actions.
CWO5 Gerry Weise USMC (Ret)
is very gruesome, I debated putting it up, but like the Gunner I believe
we must understand the enemy we are up against. Be prepared for some
heart ache. - Boone
Click for Power Point pictures
only - no sound.
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