Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam

Home Up


Men From MARS

GySgt. Chester ("Red") Boni (seated) and Cpl. Ernie Young receive incoming messages to the 11th Naval District at the Base Amateur (MARS) Radio Station.  They are offering an Easter message program to Base military personnel.

(Photo by LCpl. John Ames)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Easter greetings

from MARS men

Through the courtesy of the Base Amateur (MARS) Radio Station Base Marines can send Easter greetings home.  In most cases they'll be received in less than 24 hours.

According to GySgt. Chester ("Red") Boni, NCOIC of the station, Marines should contact him at the station.  "All I need to know is the address where the Marine would like his greeting sent and how he would like it signed." said Gunny Boni.

The program is offered also through the courtesy of Amateur Ham Radio operators throughout the country.

The station is located in Bldg 1545 behind the dental facilities.  Interested persons are encouraged to contact Gunny Boni there or by phone at Exts. 6545 or 6144.