Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam



Robert R.  Jensen

In Tribute

From Ralph Edwards

Oh yes, make no mistake, m'dears,

Our Bob was Mr.  Fix-it,

You have a problem with your set?

Big Bob's the one who licks it.


We had a Bell and Howell one Time

And ready to DEEP-SIX IT,

'Til Bob shows up and makes it run;

I swear he only kicks it.


And as the summers mellow on

And we sit around like HICKS SIT,

We'll find Big Bob at PPB

Still grinding out the FLICKS YET.


"N' I'll bet that at those Pearly Gates

With a front row center TIX-SIT

He hoists his Diamond Circle plaque

And says, "Just try to NIX-it!"


And if those gates have but one squeak

When Bob clicks and clicks and CLICKS IT,

You can hear him saying, "Hey, God!

Gimme some oil and I'll FIX IT!"