Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam

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Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

AB8AU - Dong Tam - Steve Hall

Courtesy of Steve Hall

AB8AU - Dong Tam - Steve Hall

Courtesy of Steve Hall

AB8AU - Dong Tam - Navy Side after ammo dump exploded

Courtesy of Steve Hall

AB8AU - Dong Tam - Antenna

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Steve Hall & Mortar Pit - he traded it for MARS duty

Courtesy of Steve Hall

AB8AU - Dong Tam - Ron Kingsbury & Joe ?

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Standing Sgt Jim Hildwine - sitting Sgt Tom Nichols

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Steve Hall Bronze Star for work at AB8AU

Courtesy of Steve Hall

Steve Hall for work at AB8AU

Courtesy of Steve Hall

Gary ? and Unknown running phone patches

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Old AB8AU in Navy Section of Dong Tam

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Old AB8AU in Navy Section of Dong Tam

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Ron Kingsbury working traffic

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Steve Hall, Gary ? & Ron Kingsbury outside AB8AU

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Ralph David Miller - AB8AU Mobile

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Terry North and unknown - AB8AU Mobile

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury

Terry North & Mobile AB8AU

Courtesy of Ron Kingsbury