Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam

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AB8AAR Stories

Vincent Formisano

SP4 1970

I was on light duty and because I knew how to talk and repair radios I requested the MARS station for 5 weeks. I really don't know what time of year I was the operator. I just knew how many days I had left.

At that time it was really "cool" to call home and talk to somebody. Even though it was for only two to three minutes. We had a list to sign up. We had two or three phone number choices. Just in case the first number did not answered. When I was the operator, to hear the "moan" from the trooper because his love one wasn't home to receive his call, you really felt bad for him. After we made a connection for him and he finished his call you can hear a difference in his voice. It was a more of a relax tone. It was nice to make a connection for everyone.

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