Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam

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1.  Bottom
2.  50
3.  Right
4.  Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Black, Gold (I put grey instead of gold)
5.  1, 0
6.  Right
7.  20
8.  Red
9.  88
10. Clockwise (north of the equator)
11. Towards bottom right \
12. 12 (no #1)  (1)
13. Left
14. Clockwise as you look at it
15. The Bluenose (Kerry is on a Canadian coin? - GOC!!) (AAaarrggggh! LOL))
16. 8
17. Left
18. 5
19. 6
20. Bashful  (Drew a complete blank!)
21. 8
22. Ace of spades
23. Left
24. Loon (Howard Dean is on a Canadian dollar? GOC!!)   (AAaarrggggh! LOL)
25. *, #
26. 3
27. Counter

(Canadian Money is for the birds!! dlb)


If you really want to see my score drop me an email and I'll send it to you.

I'm just trying to be modest!

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