Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Vietnam

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AB8AH Stories

Daniel Jeswald

E4-USAF 1967


Well since this is about Vietnam MARS I'll tell you how it was. The station was built near the runway and I think it was basically a Quonset hut, or some 'temporary' structure.  We had a 2 element Quad on a tower.  At one time the tower was well lit, being so close to the runway and all.  We had to change that when we noticed the mortar rounds seemed to be tracking overhead a lot.  We added it up and decided the red light made a good aiming post for Mr. Charles. 

Before I had to end my volunteer time at the MARS station and return to my primary duties as Radio operator on the Direct Air support network since things were picking up and I couldn’t just move around at will any longer I ran quite a few phone patches for the boys. 

They would come in from the boonies and get in line and wait for hours at a time to get a chance to call home.  Most didn't even get a shower or change of clothes before they tried a call.   I never made a call home.  I just couldn't bring myself to bump those guys. 

With our KWM2 Collins we could basically move around interference at will.  I don't know how we got away with that, but even the stateside stations would move all over the place.  It was like being on your own private ham band. 

Most of our contacts in the 'world' were with the West coast stations.  I think I remember talking to Barry Goldwaters station also. 

Towards the end of 67 the war started to pick up and I was sent up/down country a bit with my duties then ended up in Saigon at the end.  So MARS took a back seat. 

There were so many special calls that it is all a jumble now.  Over the years I'm sure I've made thousands of phone patches.  But a lot of that was when I was in Germany.  So, for this discussion, it probably is not what your looking for. 

My MARS experience affected me profoundly.  I tried my best to get back into phone patch with MARS when I came back stateside in 1979.  But the politics were such that it was difficult to say the least.  I am still active in MARS and presently am with AF MARS.  I have been in all of the MARS services and at this time AF is the best for me. 

It is unfortunate that the traffic and overseas phone patching had literally died away.  I hope we don't forget it and when we do need it...none is ready.      Back to Top